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Lemon - O Melhor em Utilitários Vol 1

Uma super coletânea selecionada de utilitários shareware que você não pode deixar de ter! São 500 MB em mais de 200 dos mais variados programas utilitários, todos divididos e organizados em temas. Ferramentas para utilizar no micro não vão faltar. :)

O CD é apresentável numa interface HTML com a cara do site, com ferramenta de busca para facilitar ainda mais a localização dos programas. Leve mais um pedacinho do site da Lemon para a sua casa!

Observação: Alguns programas que são atualizados em maior frequência, especialmente os relacionado a anti-vírus, poderão estar muito desatualizados. Neste caso, na grande maioria das vezes o programa funcionará normalmente, porém em outros casos poderá não funcionar, sendo necessário a atualização do mesmo.

Atenção: os programas são free ou shareware, assim como encontrados no site da Lemon Collection.

Veja a relação completa dos programas:

PrettyPark Cleaner, eSafe PE NIMDA.E remover stand alone, FP Win v3.10c, AntiLove Virus Fix for Windows NT , McAfee VirusScan Extra Update for LoveLetter Virus, I Hate You Antivirus Software, Clean Love, AVP Plug-in for MS-Office 2000 (beta), LoveLetter Cleanup, MRecover 1.85 (Chernobyl), Fiber Anti Virus, ExploreZIP Worm Cleaner, I LoveYouCleaner 2, Antidote for PC Viruses SuperLite, Anti-Trojan , Navidad remover, AVX antivírus para ICQ, ILoveYouCleaner, NOBO v1.1 - BR, VirusScan 3.1.9e - 32 bits, VirusShield 2.50e, VirusScan 3.0e, McAfee VirusScan 3.2.0e - 16-bits, F-Prot 3.07, Antigen v1.0, eSafe Protect Desktop 2.25, NOBO v1.1 - USA, Panda Antivirus Platinum v6.09, McAfee WebScanX 3.1.6, QuickHeal Anti-Virus v5.24, McAfee VirusScan 3.x.x DAT Update, McAfee VirusScan 4.x/5x DAT Update, BPS v3.0 (Português), BPS v2.0 (Inglês), Happy99 (Removedor), McAfee VirusScan 5.21, Vexira Antivirus, McAfee VirusScan 6.02 Trial, StageA Remover, Remove ESPNT Registry Keys.exe, MTX Trojan Remover, FixHappyTime, Antinimda, Symantec Code Red Remover Stand alone, BitDefender Home Edition 6.4 , Win32 Nimda Worm Remover Stand Alone, Happy 99 Cleaner, VCatch 3.8 , Vexira Antivirus, Worm Detector 3 3.01 , FireLite

SoftShow 2.0, Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer 97

BackUp 32, Synchronix v4.17, Backup Já v2.1, SureSync v3.1.8, Second Copy 2000, NovaDisk+ for Windows 95, GoBack

WinZip 8.0, WinRAR 2.80, PKZip 2.04g, Arj 2.60, PKZip v2.50 (DOS), ICEOWS V4.00, WinZip 6.2, Power Archiver 2000 v5.5, WinZip 7.0 SR-1, WinAce - sponsored freeware release 1.5, WinRAR 2.71 - BR, BraZip 4.0.061, Planet.Zip, Winzip 8.1, FreeZip 1.4.6, TurboZip 4.0, WinAce 2.03

RemoveR v1.3, RegClean 4.1, SafetyScan 2.0, Remove Total 1.0, CleanSweep Deluxe 4.0, Norton Uninstall Deluxe, 4DiskClean v1.3

CD-Quick Cache, Hard Disk LED 1.1, AMB GDisc 2.0, WinImage 6.0, Nero Language, Nero Burning ROM, Diskeeper 5.0, HDCopy 1.26.04, VGA Copy v6.24, Nero Update (, Diskeeper Lite 1.1.174a, GpBench/CD v2.0

Perfect Screens 2.1, TopDesk 3.0b, Cool Desk 99 v3.1, Window Blinds 1.2, MacVision v0.8.206, Imps Desk List v1.03

Fine Print v3.60, KazStamp 6.0b, Print Switch 4.0, Label Printer v1.2

RAM Idle Standard, BestReader v2.0, MinMaxExtender v1.0.1.0, RamBooster

AntiGame for Windows v4.2, CountryCodes v1.10

Microsoft Video Capture Update for DirectX 8.0, VCL35, Biblioteca OpenGL, Microsoft Win32s, Visual Basic 3 Run Time , Microsoft DirectX 8.0 - USA, Visual Basic 4 Run Time, Visual Basic 5 Run Time, Microsoft DirectX 8 - BR, Angel Potion MP4 codec v1.6.63, Microsoft WinG, Visual Basic 6 Run Time , Microsoft DirectX 8.1 - USA - NT/2000

Network System Protect 1.1, Data Encryption Toolkit 1.12, Code Red Patch, BlackICE Defender, Password Keeper v3.8, Sygate Personal Firewall 4.2.867, CodedDrag v2.0, Deerfield Personal Firewall v 1.0, McAfee Firewall 3.01, 1822&MailControl 1.0, PowerKey 1.11, Stop Light 95 ELS, 123 Web Password, Advanced HTML Coder, Advanced HTML Protector, Guard Bot, SecureIIS 1.1, Protect 99 v3.0, Network Tasks Spy v1.0, eSafe Gateway, BCWipe v.2.28, iProtect v1.4 (Build 1876), Network Tasks Spy - Server 1.1, File Locker 2.0c, ZoneAlarm v3.0.081

MimarSinan Visual Split Studio 2000, Wintility Lite 2000 v5.3.12 (inglês), Power Desk 4 Free, Directory Printer v3.0, Yahe, Wintility Lite 2000 v5.3.12, Excel Recovery v2.0.39, ZTreeWin 1.41, FileSplit v2.2, Quick Sort v1.0, Drag and View 95 v4.5, Synchronizer v3.0 Pro, G6 Renamer 2000 v1.41

Cuneiforme OCR v3.0, WinWeather v3.0, SkyChart III, Captura & Print Screen 2, ClockWise 2.21a, ViviScan Compact III driver, CD Box Labeler Pro 1.3 Patch, CD Box Labeler Pro v1.5.1, The SleuthHound! v3.2, HyperSnap-DX 4.22.01, Tray Tools 2000 v2.1, VeriTudo v1.01, Card32 v2.0, KeyText 2000 v2.12, PDFLivre

Realtek Ethernet RTL8019(AS) Drivers, Realtek Ethernet RTL8002 Drivers, Realtek Ethernet RTL8008 Drivers, BCM Diagnostics, Norton Utilities 2000, WhatCpuIs v1.01 beta 1, Realtek Ethernet RTL8012 Drivers, AOC Scanner Drivers, Michaels Disk Benchmark 1.11, Turbo95 1.3, Realtek Ethernet RTL8029(AS) Drivers, AOC Scanner Drivers, Realtek Fast Ethernet RTL8129(AS) Drivers, MemViewer v2.20, Toggle Mouse v4.4.7, BIOS Finder 1.5.3 , Realtek Ethernet RTL8009 Drivers, Quick cam color update, 3Com Adsl Modem PCI Drivers, Diammond Update Wizard

Turbo Browser 2000 v7.0, Service Release 1 for Office 97, CacheMan v3.70, MemPro95 2.0, FIXOOB (Fix for Out Of Bound hole), Win Hacker 95 2.0, Service Release 2 para o MS-Office 97 em inglês, DivX ;-) drivers for Windows, WinSettings 97 2.1, YTrayMagic Lite 1.0 Beta, RkSystem, Microsoft Text-to-Speech Engine (Version 4.0), DivX ;-) drivers for Windows (Beta 4), YATS32, Dial-Up Networking 1.3, Microsoft PowerToys XP , The Windows 95 Registry FAQ 1.5, Y2K Scan, Tweak UI 2000, Service Release 1 for Office 2000, In Cube Voice Command 2.02, Kernel Toys, SmartWheel v1.0, UpTime v1.07e, Associate 1.0, SANDRA Pro, Uptime (Microsoft) v1.0, Windows 95 Upgrade, Norton Crash Guard v2.01, Windows 98 Y2K Patch


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